Suitcase Theare

© 2018 Whitney Smith. All Rights Reserved.


Big Steam Band :: Suitcase Theatre :: Electric Steam
Big Steam Bandnd

Thrilling sound. Amazing singers. Classic big band made new.

If you haven't experienced the live acoustic sound of 13 brass instruments playing in time and in tune the full-body sonic massage of 5 saxes, 4 trombones, 4 trumpets chased by a hot rhythm section — you're in for an amazing musical treat."— WEHitney Smith

"The whole evening was transporting — it was sophisticated, cool and stylish. I felt I was in another place and time, We all began to dance: men, women, together, apart. The band moved in harmony, they looked like a painting come to life and come to sound." — Karen Mulhallen, Descant Magazine

“A powerhouse band!”
- All About JAZZ, New York, 2004

To hear some music of the band, see Music & Video section.

> More on the Big Steam Band's history

Booking the Band

The Big Steam Band is now booking jazz festival tours in Europe featuring DK Ibomeka.

For more details on booking for your festival or concert season, go here.PleaPlease contact Let us know if

For more details on

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Arts That Make a Difference        

Suitcase Theatre

Thought-provoking entertainment

for Children, Adults & Seniors

Who Face Special Challenges


Suitcase Theatre is a new musical theatre company that has a two-fold purpose: to entertain disadvantaged children and institutionalized seniors while also helping to rejuvenate the creative talents of adults who are at a crossroads in their lives.

Our plays are developed with the hands-on assistance of individuals whose lives are in transition. At educational workshops we focus on nurturing the talents of people over the age of 50 who are indigent, homeless, or socially isolated. By recognizing their gifts as designers and makers of puppets, masks, costumes and props, we provide an opportunity for these individuals to be rejuvenated in a community setting.

Suitcase Theatre’s target audience is emotionally vulnerable children and older adults who live on the margins of society or in long-term care facilities. Our inaugural show, The House That Jack Built, based on the nursery rhyme, was received with much acclaim by each of the audiences that we performed for: intellectually disabled adults, multi-exceptionality high school students, culturally-isolated elementary pupils and institutionalized seniors.

Our shows incorporate a boldly visual style through the use of masks, puppetry, colourful costumes and props — and live music. Each performance relies on a combination of simple low-tech and traditional theatrical tools, such as poetic imagery, dramatic storytelling, and songs that propel the characters strongly forward in the action. There are two to four actor-singers in each show. A keyboardist delivers a rich accompaniment to the story.

Listen to song selections from

The House That Jack Built






Dance Party Music

Our rhythm 'n' blues, pop, funk, rock 'n' roll and soul band.

If you have an event where you want the kind of go-crazy-on-the-dance-floor scene that plays this music authentically and with real power, this is the band for you.

No one has had a so-so reception to Electric Steam. See Testimonials for what our clients have to say about this powerhouse dance party band.

For more information on Electric Steam see Music & Video section. To hear musical tracks, please email us and we'll send you some. TO hear musical tracks, please email us

To heaTo hearr musical tracks

See information and hear tracks of our jazz band, Sextet à Tête.